Íslenska 1 (A1.1)
Kursy języka islandzkiego
MSS oferuje kursy języka islandzkiego dla początkujących i zaawansowanych. Naszym celem jest świadczenie kursów języka islandzkiego dostosowanych do umiejętności każdej osoby.
Kursy języka islandzkiego będą skupiać się na rozumieniu, mówieniu, pisaniu, słuchaniu, czytaniu oraz gramatyce.
MSS wysyła do studentów informacje o kursach drogą mailową, na kilka dni przed rozpoczęciem kursu.
Kurs rozpoczyna się po osiągnięciu minimalnego poziomu uczestnictwa. MSS zastrzega sobie prawo do przenoszenia i zmiany dat i godzin, jeśli zajdzie taka potrzeba.
Aby otrzymać świadectwo ukończenia kursu, wymagane jest minimum 80% obecności.
Jeżeli kurs jest opłacany przez firmę/instytucję lub dana osoba jest uprawniona do stypendium z tytułu opłat za kurs, należy poinformować MSS w momencie rejestracji.
W wypadku braku niezbędnego kursu – prosimy o kontakt z nami.
Kristín, Sveindís i Diana
icelandic@mss.is / 421 7500
Europejski System Opisu Kształcenia Językowego
Date: 7. kwietnia - 30. maja
Time: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00-14:00 / Mánudagar, þriðjudagar og fimmtudagar frá 12:00-14:00
Location: MSS, Krossmói 4a
Contact: icelandic@mss.is
Description: Icelandic lessons for people of foreign origin, Mixed group with English speaking teacher.
Íslenskukennsla fyrir fólk af erlendum uppruna, blandaður hópur með enskumælandi kennara.
*The terms of this course are subject to future change by the organizers.
*Birt með fyrirvara um breytingar.
Cena: 57.500
245 Sandgerði
Date: 22. kwietnia - 26. czerwca
Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18:00-20:30 / Þriðjudagar og fimmtudagar frá 18:00-20:30
Location: Suðurnesjabær - Sandgerði
Contact: icelandic@mss.is
Description: This course will be in Suðurnesjabær - Sandgerði, location will be given when we start the course.
Icelandic lessons for people of foreign origin, Mixed group with English speaking teacher.
Íslenskukennsla fyrir fólk af erlendum uppruna, blandaður hópur með enskumælandi kennara.
*The terms of this course are subject to future change by the organizers.
*Birt með fyrirvara um breytingar.
*We need the required minimum participants to start the course.
Cena: 57.500
Evening course
Date: 22. kwietnia - 26. czerwca
Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18:00-20:30 / Þriðjudagar og fimmtudagar frá kl. 18:00-20:30
Location: MSS, Krossmói 4a
Contact: icelandic@mss.is
Description: Icelandic lessons for people of foreign origin, mixed group.
Íslenskukennsla fyrir fólk af erlendum uppruna, blandaður hópur.
*The terms of this course are subject to future change by the organizers.
*Birt með fyrirvara um breytingar.
Cena: 57.500
190 Vogar
Date: 22. kwietnia - 26. czerwca
Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17:30-20:00 / Þriðjudagar og fimmtudagar frá 17:30-20:00
Location: 190 Vogar - Vatnsleysuströnd
Contact: icelandic@mss.is
Description: This course will be in Vogar Vatnsleysuströnd, location will be given when we start the course.
Icelandic lessons for people of foreign origin, Mixed group with English speaking teacher.
Íslenskukennsla fyrir fólk af erlendum uppruna, blandaður hópur með enskumælandi kennara.
*The terms of this course are subject to future change by the organizers.
*Birt með fyrirvara um breytingar.
*We need the required minimum participants to start the course.
Cena: 57.500
250 Garður
Date: 23. kwietnia - 16. czerwca
Time: Mondays and Wednesdays from 18:00-20:30 / Mánudagar og miðvikudagar frá 18:00-20:30
Location: Suðurnesjabær - Garður
Contact: icelandic@mss.is
Description: This course will be in Suðurnesjabær - Garður, location will be given when we start the course.
Icelandic lessons for people of foreign origin, Mixed group with English speaking teacher.
Íslenskukennsla fyrir fólk af erlendum uppruna, blandaður hópur með enskumælandi kennara.
*The terms of this course are subject to future change by the organizers.
*Birt með fyrirvara um breytingar.
*We need the required minimum participants to start the course.
Cena: 57.500
Saturday group
Date: 26. kwietnia - 14. czerwca
Time: Saturdays from 9:00-14:30
Location: MSS, Krossmói 4a
Contact: icelandic@mss.is
Description: Icelandic lessons for people of foreign origin, Mixed group with English speaking teacher.
Íslenskukennsla fyrir fólk af erlendum uppruna, blandaður hópur með enskumælandi kennara.
*The terms of this course are subject to future change by the organizers.
*Birt með fyrirvara um breytingar.
Cena: 57.500