Collaborative Rehabilitation
About Collaboration
Collaboration is a vocational rehabilitation department within MSS. At the beginning of the operation, Collaboration was a private and started the first group, which counted 20 students in October 2008. Since August 2014, Collaboration has been a department within MSS and has a service agreement with Vocational Rehabilitation Fund since 2013.
The Ideology of Collaboration aims to work towards a holistic solution with obstacles to participants in a personalized manner. The participant is active in their rehabilitation as he actively participates in the preparation of his/her rehabilitation program. Most of the rehabilitation of the takes place in a group, e.g. with courses, education, teamwork and physical training, but also in a personalized way, but also in a personalized way, considering the needs of each person, for example through interviews or training with professionals, work exams or training.
Work is in progress to improve the physical, mental, and social status of individuals with the aim of being more willing to work in the general labor market or in further education. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and mobilizing each participant with the aim of gaining faith in himself/herself and his/her abilities. Participants receive assistance in tackling their barriers and strengthening their strengths, along with training in setting realistic goals. Collaboration offers a variety of resources that help participants improve their health and well-being, maintain activity and routine, meet other people who are working on their own, as well as get to know the labor market in the area and have the opportunity to they their work skills.
Further information about referral and rehabilitation procedures can be found here at the top of the page under Collaboration.

For more information, the Collaboration Consultants provide:
Helga Guðbrandsdóttir project manager and consultant at 421-7500 / 412-5960 or
Gunnrún Theodórsdóttir social worker at 421-7500 / 412-5961 or
Sunna Björg Hafsteinsdóttir occupational therapist at 421-7500 / 412-5980 or
Thórdís Marteinsdóttir consultant at 421-7500 / 412-5953 or