Leikskólastarf II og íslenska

The program is intended for those who have completed the Leikskólastarf I or are assessed into the program



  • Empower participants to learn Icelandic with focus on working with children
  • Increase competence to work with children
  • Describe main theories on pedagogy, developmental traits, and anomalies
  • Describe the primary preschool curriculum, artwork and stimulation in children's development, computer skills, communication skills and more.
  • Visit workplaces


Teaching methods:

Workshop taught in MSS and workplaces that are in collaboration with MSS



Practical exercises and active participation



Total 220 hours



The program starts 31st October and ends 17th Desember

Classes will be on weekdays from 9:00-14:00


Taught according to a certified curriculum from the Icelandic Centre for Education (Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins)

The program is funded by the Directorate of Labour (Vinnumálastofnun)


Work union funds for studies may apply in your case


Further information:

Nanna Bára and Diana tel. +354 4217500 by email nanna@mss.is and diana@mss.is


The price of study program published is subject to changes

Price: 121.500 ISK
Time period: October 31. - December 17.

Leikskólastarf II og íslenska