Talnámskeið - Speak Icelandic (60 stundir)
Icelandic Language Courses
MSS is offering Icelandic courses for beginners as well as advanced learners. The goal is to offer Icelandic courses based on each person´s ability.
The Icelandic courses will focus on comprehension, speaking, writing, listening, reading and grammar.
MSS sends information about courses by e-mail to students, a few days before the course starts.
The course starts when minimum participation is reached. MSS reserves the right to move and change dates and times if necessary.
A minimum of 80% attendance is required to receive a graduation certificate at he end of the course.
If a course is paid for by a company/institution or the person is entitled to a grant due to course fees, MSS must be informed at the time of registration.
If you do not find the course that suits you, please contact us.
Kristín, Sveindís og Diana
icelandic@mss.is / 421 7500
The European Framework of Reference for Languages
Speaking course A.2
Date: April 22. - June 26.
Time: Þriðjudagar og fimmtudagar frá 18:00-20:30 / Tuesday and Thursdays from 18:00-20:30
Location: MSS, Krossmói 4a
Contact: icelandic@mss.is
Description: Icelandic lessons for people of foreign origin, mixed group. The focus is on spoken language for those who have finished Icelandic 1 and 2.
Íslenskukennsla fyrir fólk af erlendum uppruna, blandaður hópur. Talnámskeið þar sem áherslan er á talað mál í daglegu lífi. Nemendur þurfa að hafa lokið íslensku 1 og 2 til að fara í talhópinn.
*The terms of this course are subject to future change by the organizers.
*Birt með fyrirvara um breytingar.
Price: 57.500