Leikskólastarf I og íslenska - Dagnám
Do you want to work with children in kindergarten but don't have enough skills in Icelandic - this is part 1 of 2
The second part, Leikskólastarf II, starts in November 2025
All participants will be invited to an interview
For whom
The program is intended for those who want to work in a kindergarten but require more skills using the Icelandic language.
As all kindergarten staff, students must show a criminal record certificate from their home country.
- Empower participants to use the Icelandic language while working with children
- Increase competency to work professionally with children
- Participate in various workshops focusing on practical learning
- Practice during vocational training in kindergarten
Teaching methods:
Classes in MSS and kindergartens that collaborate with MSS
Practical exercises and active participation.
Total 128 hours
Classes every weekday from 9:00-14:00.
The program starts 16th September to 31. October 2025.
Taught according to a certified curriculum from the Icelandic Centre for Education (Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins)
The program is in collaboration with the Directorate of Labour (Vinnumálastofnun) – you may be eligible for a grant
Work union funds for studies may apply in your case
Further information:
Nanna Bára and Diana tel. +354 4217500 by email at nanna@mss.is and diana@mss.is
Total price for both Leikskólastarf and Icelandic course is 106.500 ( Leikskólastarf 49.000 kr. and Icelandic 57.500 kr.)
The price of the program published is subject to changes
Verð: 106.500
Tímabil: 16. september - 31. október